Topic 4.

After reading topic 4 readings, I realized that in the current state of the world, the use of the internet and some of the latest webs have helped in facilitating the interaction between the students, teachers, and many institutions and have created a forum for sharing new open educational resources.  It is therefore important to say that sharing resources and practices, available’ are learning teaching as well as research materials in any medium digital which is located in any public facility view or have been given out under very open license which allows minimal access, usage as well as adaptation and redistribution by others who do not  have any restrictions. Nevertheless, given the several of the users, creators, and those offering sponsorship of open educational resources, it is therefore not something new to identify various usage situations as well as needs. Some of the various tensions in reaching a consensus declaration of the sharing resources and practice is normally on how there should be an explicit stress on certain technological advancement. Open educational resources commonly involve issues which relates to some sought of intellectual property freedom. Some of the initial educational equipment, like textbooks, is normally guarded with some conventional copyright conditions and terms (Beaven, 2012). Even though there are other alternatives and more flexible licensing solutions and options that have become important because of the nature of the work of some very Creative Commons. This non-profit organization gives some available licensing solutions that are not that very restrictive as compared to the other reserved rights terms. Therefore, some of the best techniques have been considered very important in infrastructural service for sharing resources and practice open movement. Some of the importance of the sharing resources and practices ‘ available’ include;  they have got capability of reducing costs in that sharing resources and practices  normally look  well put to bringing down total expenses as well as being seeing as cost-free. Therefore the emergence of the new sharing resources and practices ‘open’ can be coordinated, reutilize and re-functioned from the available resources and this is   normally considered as primary strength of resource sharing and procedures  in that it can produce some critical cost savings.

Even though the resource sharing and practices available should be put and separated in that most of them need spending. Open resource sharing and practices have also taken various directions, like the adoption, creation and adaptation as well as the period required. In addition, the availability of resource sharing and practices have been a major consideration in helping increase most of the learners understanding in schools while putting away some of the challenges of affordability as well as accessibility (Hölterhof, 2020). It has given also given the capacity for customization options thereby providing the best channel of network instead of being put together with some of the outdated techniques. Lastly through customization, there has been provision of faculty management over the quality of their course equipment as well as some of the various important resources required.




Beaven, A. (2012). Learning through sharing: Open resources, open practices, open communication: Teacher education and computer-mediated communication SIGs joint event. The Euro CALL Review, 20(2), 103.

Hölterhof, T. (2020). Open educational resources – practices of using and sharing digital resources in higher education. Social Globalization and Education, 297-302.


  1. valerieyq

    Hi Ziyu,
    I think you are right to put forward the idea that open and shared resources can save costs. Opening the reading permission of resources on the Internet can recycle and reuse materials countless times, which greatly reduces the production cost, and then allows students to use these materials without any concerns.

  2. alexli

    Hi Ziyu,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree that technology is very useful in learning, especially in the current time. I can tell that you’ve done a lot of research on this topic, And that OER’s are critical.

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